International Regulation / Government
Our work includes:
Working as Special Advisor to Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group on shipping and regulatory implementation
Working as a Consultant to the International Maritime Organization on Polar Issues, and Fishing Vessel Safety
Representing Insurance Industry at United Nation’s International Maritime Organisation on Finalisation of the Polar Code for Shipping
Working with European Commission on Maritime Spatial Strategies
Advising Individual Governments on implementation of International Regulation and adoption of Best Practice Standards
Advising Industry on Government and International Regulatory approach to implementation of International Regulation and Best Practice Standards.
Advising the Bonn Agreement Secretariat on constitutional issues surrounding the accession of States to the Agreement
For further reading on this topic and our work please see the following:
March 2021 Michael Kingston message on the occasion of the World Meteorological Day 2021:The World Meteorological Day (WMD) 2021 is devoted to the theme “the ocean, our climate and weather” . It celebrates WMO’s focus in connecting the ocean, climate and weather within the Earth System. It also honours that this is the starting year for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). WMO is committed to contributing with much of its work integral for the “safe ocean”, “predicted ocean” and “transparent ocean” goals of the Decade.February 2021 Advising Bonn Agreement Secretariat
February 2021 Legal Advice – Association with Conways Solicitors
February 2021 Assisting on Humanitarian issue regarding ‘Economic Hostage’ in China.
February 2021 Statement on behalf of IMO to Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group Meeting (virtual) regarding Polar Code, and ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety
January 2021 Has the Whiddy Island Disaster taught us anything about Safety of Life at Sea?
January 2021 Representing Arctic Council in Presentation to American Meteorological Society in conjunction with NASA
January 2021 Appearing before Irish Parliament regarding proposed legislation governing Ireland’s Marine Casualty Investigation Board.
Televised Proceedings 29 January 2021
December 2020 Ocean Focus – Ireland and the Arctic Council.
December 2020 Playing a Key role in Ireland’s current application to join the Arctic Council Southern Star
Winter 2020 Inshore Ireland, Pressure builds on Ireland to ratify
international fishing vessel safety
‘Michael Kingston representing IMO and Arctic Council PAME Group, highlighting OCIMF and ICS Best Practice Recommendations 24th November 2020’ Video
May 2020 Ireland’s RTE Six One, Television Interview regarding the grounding of MV “ALTA”April 2020 Article in Ocean Focus Ireland’s Maritime Safety Regulations Must be Reviewed
March 2020 Article in Ocean Focus Ireland’s Maritime Safety Regulations Must be Reviewed
March 2020 Statement on behalf of IMO at Ministerial Meeting Opatija, Croatia regarding ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety
February 2020 Ireland’s RTE News at One, Radio Interview regarding the grounding of MV “ALTA”
October 2019 Working as IMO Consultant at biggest Fishing Vessel Safety Conference in IMO History in Torremolinos Spain moderating the following panels:
Session 4: Improving Safety, Reducing Risk, And Protecting Our Search and Rescue Services; and
IMO fishing vessel treaty gets major boost at historic IMO-led Ministerial Conference
October 2019 Participating in 8th Symposium of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic, Wilson Centre, Washington D.C, United States
Inshore Ireland, Ireland Must Ratify the Cape Town Agreement.Summer 2019
Inshore Ireland, The Whiddy Island Disaster- High Court Action. Autumn 2019
Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum’
June 2019 Statement as part of Government of Iceland Delegation to IMO Maritime Safety Committee 102 Meeting, IMO HQ, London United Kingdom, regarding Polar Code, and ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety
April 2019 Talk Harvard University ‘Arctic Shipping and the Northern Sea Route, Shipping Trends, and The New Polar Code Regulations: The Concerns and Contributions of The International Insurance Industry’
February 2019 Statement Malmo, Sweden on behalf of IMO regarding ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety
January 2019 Keynote talk The Reform Club, Pall Mall, London on the Occasion of the Arctic Encounter London Gala Dinner at the invitation of the United States and United Kingdom
October 2018 Presentation, Vladivostok, Russia, as Special Advisor to Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group at Meeting of Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group at the Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University, 01-04 October 2018
September 2018 Organising Maine Trade Delegation to Ireland to sign Economic Partnership Agreement with Cork County Council– Inshore Ireland ‘Ireland’s Arctic momentum gathers pace’
July 2018 Participating in 8th Symposium of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic, Wilson Centre, Washington D.C, United States
Panel video ‘Infrastructure and Investment – Can the United States Facilitate an International Arctic Seaway?’
Panel Video ‘Shipping – Operational Views on Arctic Shipping’
Successfully assisting Irish citizen in difficulty in United States Hope for Irish man Keith Byrne as top international lawyer gets involved in case Lawyer urges US to reconsider deporting Irish man
Tanker Shipping and Trade December 2017 ‘Rules are one thing: implementation another’
United States Coastguard ‘Proceedings’ Publication December 2017 ‘Why We Should Care ? - The insurance market and changing maritime industry risks’
August 2017 Safety Will Not Stand Still for Ireland
Riviera Media January 2017 ‘Decoding the Polar Code’
Lloyd’s of London 03 January 2017 ‘Polar Code sets new industry standards’
Power and Energy Solutions 15 June 2015 ‘It’s Time to Target Sustainable Growth’
Insurance Day 10 June 2015 ‘Coming in From the Cold’
Insurance Day 09.12.2014. ‘Ice regime for Arctic Shipping Risks Welcomed’
Insurance Day 19 November 2014 ‘Optimism as new voyage limitation guidance tabled as polar code reaches final stages’
15 March 2014 Lloyd’s of London Press Release (repeated in several papers worldwide) following Arctic Ice Conference on 12th March
11th March 2014 & 12th March 2014 ‘Sustainable Shipping Conference Report’ on Swedish Polar Research Secretariat website and Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
Our work includes:
Working as Special Advisor to Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group on shipping and regulatory implementation
Working as a Consultant to the International Maritime Organization on Polar Issues, and Fishing Vessel Safety
Representing International Union of Marine Insurance (world’s energy & marine insurers) at the International Maritime Organisation on the finalisation of the Polar Code;
Participant of Advisory Council of All Party Parliamentary Group on the Polar Regions;
Advising London Insurance Market Joint-Hull Committee on Polar matters;
Advising International Ice Charting Working Group;
Advising NASA;
Advising Arctic Council Shipping Expert Group of PAME;
Advising individual Arctic Governments;
Advising House of Lords Arctic Committee;
Advising World Meteorological Organisation on Arctic matters;
Advising European Union’s DG MARE on Arctic Policy;
Advising European Union’s Climate Change Applicate Assembly (on effect of Arctic changes on mid latitudes);
Advising UK FCO on Arctic matters;
Advising UK Department of Trade on Arctic positioning;
Advising various United States Agencies regarding Arctic positioning during Arctic Council Chairmanship (May 2015 – May 2017).
Advising indigenous community groups in the Arctic regarding Best Practice Standards;
Advising the world cruise line industry regarding the Polar Code; and
Advising Environmental organisations regarding Polar Regulation.
Advising the Indigenous Communities of the Arctic.
For further reading on this topic and our work please see the following:
February 2021 Statement on behalf of IMO to Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group Meeting (virtual) regarding Polar Code, and ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety January 2021 Representing Arctic Council in Presentation to American Meteorological Society in conjunction with NASA
January 2021 Representing Arctic Council in Presentation to American Meteorological Society in conjunction with NASA
December 2020 Ocean Focus – Ireland and the Arctic Council.
December 2020 Southern Star – Ireland and the Arctic Council
‘Michael Kingston representing IMO and Arctic Council PAME Group, highlighting OCIMF and ICS Best Practice Recommendations 24th November 2020’ Video
March 2020 Statement on behalf of IMO at Ministerial Meeting Opatija, Croatia regarding ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety
October 2019 Participating in 8th Symposium of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic, Wilson Centre, Washington D.C, United States
June 2019 Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum’
June 2019 Statement as part of Government of Iceland Delegation to IMO Maritime Safety Committee 102 Meeting, IMO HQ, London United Kingdom, regarding Polar Code, and ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety
April 2019 Talk Harvard University ‘Arctic Shipping and the Northern Sea Route, Shipping Trends, and The New Polar Code Regulations: The Concerns and Contributions of The International Insurance Industry’
February 2019 Statement Malmo, Sweden on behalf of IMO regarding ratification of Cape Town Agreement for Fishing Vessel Safety
January 2019 Keynote talk The Reform Club, Pall Mall, London on the Occasion of the Arctic Encounter London Gala Dinner at the invitation of the United States and United Kingdom
October 2018 Presentation, Vladivostok, Russia, as Special Advisor to Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group at Meeting of Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group at the Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University, 01-04 October 2018
September 2018 Organising Maine Trade Delegation to Ireland to sign Economic Partnership Agreement with Cork County Council– Inshore Ireland ‘Ireland’s Arctic momentum gathers pace’
July 2018 Participating in 8th Symposium of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic, Wilson Centre, Washington D.C, United States
Panel video ‘Infrastructure and Investment – Can the United States Facilitate an International Arctic Seaway?’
Panel Video ‘Shipping – Operational Views on Arctic Shipping’
Video of Speech Arctic Council Summit Fairbanks Alaska May 2017 upon Declaration of Arctic Shipping Best Practices Declaration by Arctic States.Frontier Energy
June 2017 Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum’Riviera Media
January 2017 ‘Decoding the Polar Code’
03 January 2017 Lloyd’s of London ‘Polar Code sets new industry standards’
Frontier Energy. Learning Lessons from History. Michael Kingston. August 2016
Riviera Media January 2016 ‘Decoding the Polar Code’Video of Key Note Speech Institute fo the North Fairbanks Alaska 29th September 2015
Insurance Day. Ice regime for Arctic Shipping Risks Welcomed.Michael Kingsotn Quoted.09.12.2014
Insurance Day 10 June - Coming in From the Cold
15 March 2014 Lloyd’s of London Press Release (repeated in several papers worldwide) following Arctic Ice Conference on 12th March
11th March 2014 & 12th March 2014 ‘Sustainable Shipping Conference Report’ on Swedish Polar Research Secretariat website and Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
Salvage / Wreck Removal
We have been heavily involved in looking into key developments in the marine industry as ships have increased in size, and we have helped focus on learning from accidents of recent times. We contributed to Lloyd’s of London’s leading 2013 Report ‘The Challenges and Implications of Removing Wrecks in the 21st Century’. This report showcased the Costa Concordia Disaster and co-incided with the implementation of the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention which came into force in 2014. Working closely with Lloyd’s and leading experts in the Marine industry we have helped to focus on the need to ensure best practice standards are achieved in the maritime industry.
For further reading please see the following articles:.
December 2017 Article in USCG Proceedings (Pages 80 -86) ‘ Why we should Care ?’9 October 2013 Article Lloyd’s List ‘Where there is a Way but no Will’ regarding the systems that could be put in place re alarms and the non-availability of salvage equipment.
19 June 2014 Article in Insurance Day Costa Concordia: Raising the Wreck
Frontier Energy. Learning Lessons from History. Michael Kingston. August 2016
17 April 2014 Article in Lloyd’s List ‘Wreck removal may cost owners dear despite convention coming into force’20 December 2013 - Article from Lloyds’ List: ‘Managing Risk in the Thawing North’
(This article also appeared in a commemorative one-off book to mark the end of Lloyd’s List paper form after 279 years)
10 January 2014 Article in Lloyd’s ‘Cruise ship pairing not viable in Arctic waters'
08 January 2014 Article from Lloyd’s List ‘Insurers forced to develop their own solutions for Arctic vessels’
02 January 2014 Article from Lloyd’s List ‘Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention is one step away from ratification’
28 December 2013 English Independent ‘Costa Concordia insurance bill to rise to 1.2 billion’
The emergence of plastics as such an enormous pollutant in the oceans is unsurprising due to the slow regulatory approach to dealing with huge amounts of uncontrollable waste. We have been promoting best practice standards in Maritime activities including assisting in zero garbage disposal in the Polar Regions. We have assisted the Arctic Council in developing the Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum, which incudes key information about Best Practices in the Arctic. We are also liaising with the Protection fo the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group on projects to help better understand and address this chronic problem, we are also liaising with the European Commission and assisting in proposals to the IMO in relation to Port Reception Facilities. Additionally, we are working with the Insurance industry and the International Research Community to better understand the effect of endocrine disruptors in plastics on the marine environment and the human system through the food chain.
For further reading please see the following articles:
Riviera Media January 2016 ‘Decoding the Polar Code’
Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum’
Maritime Spatial Strategies
Our work includes looking at the important developments in International obligations with regard to Maritime Spatial Strategy co-operation. As well as working with the Arctic States we have been particularly involved in the European Union’s work in the North Sea. This has included helping to interact with the insurance and banking industry to try and unlock large scale industry investment. Our discussions with the European Commission are on-going.
For further information please read:
Energy and Power Solutions. It is time to target Sustainable Growth. Michael Kingston.15.06.2015
As the world increasingly moves towards new energy resources in the Maritime industry it is important to keep abreast of developments in LNG. Much of the focus on new- builds in the shipping industry are incorporating LNG as their fuel source. We are at the cutting edge of the regulatory developments that are driving this change and are working with industry to assist in this transition.
For further information about some of our work please read:
We have a strong track record in working on environmental issues. One of the foundation blocks for our work on best practice standards in the Energy, Renewable and Maritime industry is to help protect the world’s environment. By helping industry create the correct behavioural atmosphere through best standards we endeavour to ensure the environment in protected by reducing risk, and also help industry and Government achieve carbon reduction targets. As well as working with industry we are working with International Regulatory bodies such as the IMO, and regional bodies such as the Arctic Council, and the Bonn Agreement Secretariat to help achieve these aims. We have for example worked with the North Sea Prosecutors Forum through the Bonn Agreement Secretariat as a link between Administrations and industry to help collaborate in relation to pollution best practice. We have also been instrumental in the establishment of the Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum to assist in the harmonised implementation fo the Polar Code.
We recognise that regulation must be fit for purpose and then it must be enforced and the best way to do that tis through a truly collaborative approach.
For further information about this work please read:
On the Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum’
Tanker Shipping and Trade ‘Rules are one thing: implementation another’
We have an in-depth experience in marine legal matters. We have worked on some of the leading High Court and Arbitration cases in various sectors. We have in-depth experience in helping clients prepare for litigation, and laisse with the right lawyers.
Contract Negotiation
We advise clients about the best way to go about legal contracts drawing on in-depth experience in funding negotiations with the banking industry and the insurance industry to ensure projects are ‘bankable’.
For further reading see:
Southern Star June 2017 ‘Cork man to forefront of Polar Shipping laws’
British Delegation Michael Kingston UKTI Arctic Circle Conference Iceland.Final. 01 11 2014