We work closely with Lloyd’s of London on key areas:


Salvage / Wreck Removal

We have been heavily involved in looking into key developments in the marine industry as ships have increased in size, and we have helped focus on learning from accidents of recent times. We contributed to Lloyd’s of London’s leading 2013 Report ‘The Challenges and Implications of Removing Wrecks in the 21st Century’. This report showcased the Costa Concordia Disaster and coincided with the implementation of the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention which came into force in 2014.  Working closely with Lloyd’s and leading experts in the Marine industry we have helped to focus on the need to ensure best practice standards are achieved in the maritime industry.


For further reading please see the following articles:

20 December 2013 - Article from Lloyds’ List: ‘Managing Risk in the Thawing North’

(This article also appeared in a commemorative one-off book to mark the end of Lloyd’s List paper form after 279 years)

 28 December 2013 English Independent ‘Costa Concordia insurance bill to rise to 1.2 billion

02 January 2014 Article from Lloyd’s List ‘Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention is one step away from ratification

08 January 2014 Article from Lloyd’s List ‘Insurers forced to develop their own solutions for Arctic vessels

10 January 2014 Article in Lloyd’s ‘Cruise ship pairing not viable in Arctic waters'

21 January 2014 Post Magazine ‘Costa Concordia: Two years on

17 April 2014 Article in Lloyd’s List ‘Wreck removal may cost owners dear despite convention coming into force

19 June 2014 Article in Insurance Day Costa Concordia: Raising the Wreck

August 2016 Article in Frontier Energy ‘Learning Lessons from History

Lloyd’s of London 03 January 2017Polar Code sets new industry standards

December 2017 Article in USCG Proceedings (Pages 80 -86) ‘ Why we should Care ? - The insurance market and changing maritime industry risks’



The emergence of plastics as such an enormous pollutant in the oceans is unsurprising due to the slow regulatory approach to dealing with huge amounts of uncontrollable waste. We have been promoting best practice standards in Maritime activities including assisting in zero garbage disposal in the Polar Regions. We have assisted the Arctic Council in developing the Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum, which includes key information about Best Practices in the Arctic. We are also liaising with the Protection fo the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group on projects to help better understand and address this chronic problem, we are also liaising with the European Commission and assisting in proposals to the IMO in relation to Port Reception Facilities. Additionally, we are working with the Insurance industry and the International Research Community to better understand the effect of endocrine disruptors in plastics on the marine environment and the human system through the food chain.


For further reading please see the following articles:

Riviera Media January 2016Decoding the Polar Code’

Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum


Maritime Spatial Strategies

Our work includes looking at the important developments in International obligations with regard to Maritime Spatial Strategy co-operation. As well as working with the Arctic States we have been particularly involved in the European Union’s work in the North Sea. This has included helping to interact with the insurance and banking industry to try and unlock large scale industry investment. Our discussions with the European Commission are on-going.


For further information please read:

Power and Energy Solutions 15 June 2015 'It is time to target Sustainable Growth'



We have a strong track record in working on environmental issues. One of the foundation blocks for our work on best practice standards in the Energy, Renewable and Maritime industry is to help protect the world’s environment. By helping industry create the correct behavioural atmosphere through best standards we endeavour to ensure the environment in protected by reducing risk, and also help industry and Government achieve carbon reduction targets. As well as working with industry we are working with International Regulatory bodies such as the IMO, and regional bodies such as the Arctic Council, and the Bonn Agreement Secretariat to help achieve these aims. We have for example worked with the North Sea Prosecutors Forum through the Bonn Agreement Secretariat as a link between Administrations and industry to help collaborate in relation to pollution best practice. We have also been instrumental in the establishment of the Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum to assist in the harmonised implementation fo the Polar Code.

We recognise that regulation must be fit for purpose and then it must be enforced and the best way to do that tis through a truly collaborative approach.


For further information about this work please read:

On the Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum

Tanker Shipping and Trade ‘Rules are one thing: implementation another






Our work in the Energy Sector following the Deep-Water Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has been far reaching and has helped achieve regulatory change. We have worked on Lloyd’s of London’s Drilling in Extreme Environment’s Report following the incident, and also on Lloyd’s 2012 Arctic Report. Much of the concerns of the energy industry with our assistance has helped to influence the international regulatory process, including the finalisation of the Polar Code for Shipping and the establishment of the Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum, a key participant being the Oil Companies International Marine Forum.

We have assisted in giving Corporate Governance Advice to leading companies in the Energy Sector including leading insurers of energy operations at Board level, to ensure they are involved in the correct Best Practice discussions. Due to this work those companies have been associated with responsible developments for the protection of their industries and have helped them put in place the correct procedures to prevent incidents in so far as is possible, a key requirement highlighted by the failings of Deep Water Horizon.


For further reading on this topic and our work please see the following:

Lloyd’s of London 2011 Report ‘Drilling In Extreme Environments Report

Lloyd’s of London 2012 Report ‘Arctic_Risk_Report

Deepwater Quarterly Issue 08 - 17 July 2014  'Regulating the Arctic'

Insurance Day 10 June 2015 'Coming in From the Cold’ 

United States Coastguard ‘Proceedings’ Publication December 2017 ‘Why We Should Care? - The insurance market and changing maritime industry risks’



As the world increasingly moves towards new energy resources in the Maritime industry it is important to keep abreast of developments in LNG. Much of the focus on new- builds in the shipping industry are incorporating LNG as their fuel source. We are at the cutting edge of the regulatory developments that are driving this change and are working with industry to assist in this transition.


For further information about some of our work please read:

Insurance Day 19 February 2016 'LNG megastructures the Challenges for Insurers'



Renewable Energy

We have a strong track record working with the insurance industry on renewable energy projects looking at insurance solutions in order to help transfer risk into the insurance industry. Working closely with the banking industry is key in early engagement by clients, thereby helping to structure projects so that premiums are at a minimum and repayment costs to banks are not overbearing.

We have assisted the Department of Energy & Climate Change and the Treasury in the 2013 – 2014 Energy Market Review helping to influence regulation on behalf of industry. We have worked with the European Commission in relation to the North Sea Maritime Spatial Strategy.

We have also assisted the Nuclear industry in relation to insurance solutions for various operational issues.


For an insight into our renewable energy work please see this Article:

Power and Energy Solutions 15 June 2015 'It is time to target Sustainable Growth


Polar Code / Arctic Expertise

Our work includes:

Representing International Union of Marine Insurance (world’s energy & marine insurers) at the International Maritime Organisation on the finalisation of the Polar Code;

Participant of Advisory Council of All Party Parliamentary Group on the Polar Regions;

Advising London Insurance Market Joint-Hull Committee on Polar matters;

Advising International Ice Charting Working Group;

Advising NASA;

Advising Arctic Council Shipping Expert Group of PAME;

Advising individual Arctic Governments;

Advising House of Lords Arctic Committee;

Advising World Meteorological Organisation on Arctic matters;

Advising European Union’s DG MARE on Arctic Policy;

Advising European Union’s Climate Change Applicate Assembly (on effect of Arctic changes on mid latitudes);

Advising UK FCO on Arctic matters;

Advising UK Department of Trade on Arctic positioning;

Advising various United States Agencies regarding Arctic positioning during Arctic Council Chairmanship (May 2015 – May 2017).

Advising indigenous community groups in the Arctic regarding Best Practice Standards;

Advising the world cruise line industry regarding the Polar Code; and

Advising Environmental organisations regarding Polar Regulation.

Advising the Indigenous Communities of the Arctic.


For further reading on this topic and our work please see the following:

11th March 2014 & 12th March 2014 Sustainable Shipping Conference Report’ on Swedish Polar Research Secretariat website and Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

15 March 2014 Lloyd’s of London Press Release (repeated in several papers worldwide) following Arctic Ice Conference on 12th March

Insurance Day 20 November 2014 Article on Polar Code

Insurance Day 09 December 2014. ‘'Ice regime for Arctic Shipping Risks Welcomed'

Insurance Day 10 June 2015 'Coming in From the Cold’ 

Video of Key Note Speech Institute fo the North Fairbanks Alaska 29th September 2015

Frontier Energy. 'Learning Lessons from History'. August 2016

Frontier Energy August 2016. 'Best Practice Breakthrough'

Lloyd’s of London 03 January 2017Polar Code sets new industry standards

Riviera Media January 2017 ‘Decoding the Polar Code’

Video of Speech Arctic Council Summit Fairbanks Alaska May 2017 upon Declaration of Arctic Shipping Best Practices Declaration by Arctic States.

United States Coastguard ‘Proceedings’ Publication December 2017 ‘Why We Should Care? - The insurance market and changing maritime industry risks’

Tanker Shipping and Trade December 2017Rules are one thing: implementation another

Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum


International Regulation / Government

Our work includes:

Representing Insurance Industry at United Nation’s International Maritime Organisation on the Finalisation of the Polar Code for Shipping

Working with the European Commission on Maritime Spatial Strategies

Working as Special Advisor to Arctic Council

Advising Individual Governments on the implementation of International Regulation and adoption of Best Practice Standards

Advising Industry on Government and International Regulatory approach to implementation of International Regulation and Best Practice Standards.


For further reading on this topic and our work please see the following:

11th March 2014 & 12th March 2014 Sustainable Shipping Conference Report’ on Swedish Polar Research Secretariat website and Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

15 March 2014 Lloyd’s of London Press Release (repeated in several papers worldwide) following Arctic Ice Conference on 12th March

Insurance Day 20 November 2014 Article on Polar Code

Insurance Day 09 December 2014. ‘'Ice regime for Arctic Shipping Risks Welcomed'

Insurance Day 10 June 2015 'Coming in From the Cold’ 

Power and Energy Solutions 15 June 2015 'It is time to target Sustainable Growth

Lloyd’s of London 03 January 2017Polar Code sets new industry standards

Riviera Media January 2017Decoding the Polar Code’

United States Coastguard ‘Proceedings’ Publication December 2017 ‘Why We Should Care>?- The insurance market and changing maritime industry risks’

Tanker Shipping and Trade December 2017Rules are one thing: implementation another

Arctic Council’s Website ‘Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information Forum


Financial Lines / Casualty

We have worked closely with Lloyd’s Class of Business and Exposure Management Team in several performance reviews of the Lloyd’s Market in recent years. This has involved gaining an in-depth understanding of various lines of business and working with work leading experts in their field. The work includes:


Financial Lines review 2013 (internal) following the Financial Crisis.

Bodily Injury / Motor review 2015.

Working on Lloyd’s 2017 Stochastic modelling of liability accumulation risk Report.


We have also worked closely on liability issues in International Trade agreements regarding regulatory alignment.


For further reading please read the following articles:

Insurance Day Article February 13th 2015 'Liability repercussions of the Trans-Atlantic Trade Investment Partnership'

Insurance Day Article October 10th 2015 'Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)'




We have an in-depth experience in legal matters in the insurance industry working closely with Lloyd’s of London. Our personnel have worked on some of the leading High Court and Arbitration cases in various sectors. We have in-depth experience in helping clients prepare for litigation, and liaise with the right lawyers.

Contract Negotiation

We advise clients about the best way to go about legal contracts drawing on in-depth experience in funding negotiations with the banking industry and the insurance industry to ensure projects are ‘bankable’.


For further reading see:

Southern Star June 2017 ‘Cork man to forefront of Polar Shipping laws

The Lawyer Top 100 2016

British Delegation 01 November 2014  'UKTI Arctic Circle Conference Iceland'.